Wednesday, February 3, 2010

New Yorker Tea Party article

I didn't read it very closely, admittedly, but the Ben McGrath piece in last week's New Yorker seems entirely puffy to me, and dangerously legitimizing of a deeply corrupt and insidious movement in US politics. He lets one kind of loony guy represent the fringiness of the "party," instead of asking questions like, "How does a movement claim to be populist and fight for working class people *not* to receive medical care?" Or "Why is it any more possible to associate the term socialism with Barack Obama than it is to say two plus two is five?" Such questions have just become too obvious to ask for most US journalists. Which is to say, they're so obvious, so deathly deserving of being asked, that they have to be written off immediately, or else the hours and hours of coverage given to these people would suddenly seem wholly unjustified.

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