Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Breaking News from the Campaign

I'm probably the last person in the blogosphere to comment on the Presidential campaign, and the Iowa caucuses a mere thirty (approx) weeks away. Today presents the perfect opportunity. Check out this Sopranos tribute on the Hillary Clinton website--complete with an actual cast member, and mockery of Chelsea's parallel parking skills. And some surprisingly poor acting.

It's too bad this is all to announce the selection of Celine Dion's "You and I" as her official campaign song. Apparently Smashmouth's "I'm a Believer" was a strong contender; my bet is that it was scrapped to avoid the eruption of Monkeegate. It is admirable that the campaign chose a Canadian artist, throwing nationalism to the winds (currently much needed in the steamy lower 48). But the song may prove the equivalent of Dean's scream, or Muskie's tears, or being shot in a duel by Aaron Burr. Its lyrics are possibly more insipid than you'd expect, and you can listen to it three times and not recall a thing about it. Plus the right will eat the Canadian thing up like so much thin, nitrated meat product on an Egg McMuffin. I mean, if they were going foreign anyway, why not Charlotte Gainsborough, Feist, or Mika?

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